
Realizing the potential and promise of complex ‘omics data


Realizing the potential and promise of complex ‘omics data

The Ingenuity product line is renowned for intuitive web-based applications allowing users to quickly analyze and accurately interpret the biological meaning of their data. As our understanding of molecular biology and its underlying complexity undergoes unparalleled and exponential growth, more advanced yet user friendly tools are needed to help the identification and interpretation of the resulting complex data. This talk will focus on two such tools, IPA and Ingenuity Variant Analysis. IPA aids scientists in understanding complex ‘omics data at multiple levels to provide insight into the relevant molecular and chemical interactions, cellular phenotypes, and disease processes. Ingenuity Variant Analysis aids users in identifying causal variants from human sequencing data in just minutes including interrogating resulting variants from multiple biological perspectives. Both tools offer biomedical information and analysis solutions for the exploration, interpretation and analysis of the complex biological systems at the heart of life science research.

About the speaker

Kristy Cloyd, PhD is a Informatics Solution Scientist with QIAGEN Silicon Valley and has performed product trainings in many locations across the globe. Previously Kristy received her PhD from Imperial College London a world leading research institution and has published in many research areas. Her work can be found in several high impact journals. She is the recipient of the high competitive Whitaker International Fellowship (2008) and the British Heart Foundation Center of Excellence Studentship (2010). Kristy also holds an MSc in Bioengineering from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and a BSc in Biology with a minor in Mathematics. She is very enthusiastic about enabling researchers to accelerate their research and aiding scientists in communicating their discoveries.
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